Monday, November 17, 2014

I Don't Want to See the Easter Bunny!

A little boy was waiting in line with his dad and just sobbing.
I'm thinking to myself, he's not even near me yet! Poor guy!

The dad is gesturing for me to come over, so I cautiously walk over.
When I get there, the boy says to his dad, "I DON'T WANT TO SEE THE EASTER BUNNY!!"

Surprised, and trying not to laugh, I reply, "I'm not the Easter Bunny. I'm Santa!" and give him a big Santa smile.

The boy paused...filled his lungs to the max...then screamed even louder!
The dad said, "Oh, I give up!" and took him home.  How is that for a Santa moment?

Today ended up being pretty slow as children are still in school. I saw a total of 7 kiddos and a few of their pictures are below.

Oh, and here's the picture of the mall security staff that was taken at the very end of the shift yesterday. Enjoy!

I told you it was a light day.  :)  Also I know the clocks are wrong above my head, but I don't have "time" to get up there to fix them.  Maybe one of my helpers can get it done tomorrow?

Many pleasant Santa thoughts.

Santa Joe

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