Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Line Forms in the Rear


The weather has risen above freezing and people have come out of hibernation to see me. Even though people have been lined up today to see me, everyone keeps commenting, "I can't believe you're here sooo early!"  I tell them I have been here for a week already, and they looked surprised.?  (Hmmm, you don't know I'm here, but your still in line???)

Thanksgiving is less than a week away, and Christmas shopping is in full force. Snowmobiles, motorcycles and a Porsche have already been requested by some adults. My standard answer is, "You have a pretty good chance if I can get it down the chimney!"

Here are some cute pictures of children with their stuffed toy elves.

And here's the annual picture of the first screaming child on my lap.

Enjoy these few glimpses into today's visitors.

This year I have brought two special pocket watches with me. When opened up, they play either "Jingle Bells" or "I've Been Working on the Railroad" depending on whether it's the watch with the revolving sleigh and ice skaters or the revolving trains. The children seem to prefer the trains, but both watches are a big hit and have a calming affect on the children who are a little nervous visiting Santa.

Signing out until next time,


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